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I was chatting with a buddy of mine a couple of days ago about working in a small software dev company. She made the very valid point that, done wrong it can be one of the less healthy lives to lead. Lots of stationary typing and not a lot of time in nature (unless you make a point to put the effort in). That’s when the conversation came up about the bears we lived with in North Carolina.

So I sent her a link to a couple of old posts I’d created on the topic. It’s important to me to stay active and try to spend time moving my body (I do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu … in fact we have a gym in Shreveport LA that I support on a daily basis, long story for another day …) and also spend time with nature in some shape or form (we have chickens, we actively fish and consume Largemouth Bass, now actually newly named “Florida Bass” because they’re so common here in Florida and we have recently rescued an adorable pound dog).

Anyway … the point of all this rambling is that I figured it might be cool to repost the bear posts as there’s a pretty cool story to it. So without further ado, here’s the old post: