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According to the official Google AdWords blog, it’s now critical that the mobile version of our websites work as well and possibly better than the desktop computer version! Google recently announced that if you do a search on mobile, search results will prioritize those sites that Google deems mobile friendly. More folks now Google your website from their mobile device than desktop! Then on May 5th Google reported that “billions of times per day … consumers are increasingly picking up their smartphones for answers“. More Google searches now take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US.

What this means is that if your site isn’t easy to navigate, doesn’t convey everything you need it to or you simply put more effort into your traditional computer website than phone say, you could be in trouble.

A mobile responsive site is probably the best way to do this; nicely displays across the majority of view ports, contains the same content on a phone as it does on a desktop computer and most importantly, hopefully converts users just as well when they walk down the veggie isle of the local grocery store as it does at their computer desk at home.

So what’s the take home message? Make sure your Ecommerce store works just as well if not BETTER on a phone/tablet. Make sure when someone does a Google search and finds your site that it displays properly and doesn’t try to squeeze a desktop site onto that tiny screen. As if it wasn’t clear enough already, mobile has arrived.

It just might be time to rethink your digital marketing focus!