You’ve likely gone through or (are thinking about) a pricey marketing campaign that may do squat for finding new customers.
Basebuild has a very specific marketing strategy that we focus on that, simply put, works for us. We don’t tend to spend a ton of time on the more traditional digital marketing strategies 1) because we don’t like to wait for long periods to see the fruits of our labor and we aren’t digital marketing experts, it’s just not what we do but more importantly 2) because the strategies we use work for us and we only like to advise clients on mechanisms that work for us in 2021.
“It’s simple, if you aren’t generating leads within 1-3 months, you are spending dollars in the wrong way.”
Of course this is not to say that there aren’t expert Marketing agencies out there that do a stellar job using traditional methodologies (we do in fact refer clients that want to invest in SEO all the time), it’s just from our experience we have found our methods work really well for us.
The following is the ONLY marketing we do and being honest, it’s the only process that has ever consistently worked for us.

BASE (Basebuild Automated Sales Engine):
1) Target and contact only ideal clients and build datasets:
Before you do anything else, identify very specifically who your target/ideal clients are and contact them! Then save time and money by placing all your focus on those specific people; then begin to build an honest relationship with them. Basebuild has tried and true methods for digging and finding our own customers in this way, we can find yours too.
2) Study the analytics of your target clients are doing:
Examine your analytics and utilize conversion rate optimization methods for better tracking and understanding of how users interact with your online properties. Essentially we need to make sure when users come to E-visit you, we represent your business in a way that is very attractive to these potential customers – We track user interactions and adapt your online properties accordingly so they are finding what you need them to find.
3) Maintain a relationship with these new potential partners:
Once you have developed some baseline relationship where you aren’t spamming clients or constantly bugging them for business, it’s important that these customers think of you if and when they need services/products you happen to provide. When you need a plumber, don’t you call the guy with whom you previously had a good rapport? Again Basebuild has tried and true methods that enable you to stay in touch with clients just enough to where they remember who you are but don’t feel bugged.
Then? Just rinse and repeat, maintaining communications with your existing target client base while starting the cycle over in the search for new targets. It’s simple, if you aren’t generating leads within 1-3 months of starting out, you are spending dollars in the wrong way.