Have you ever been to a legitimate, old school Irish medieval banquet!? One word – AWESOME! Well the Irish Hibernian society right here in good ol Salt Lake City has announced that they will be hosting an event featuring a live medieval combat reenactment, with full on crazy combat!

Dinner will be served in the traditional style with beef and ham and drinks. This magnificent event will be held at the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish, 1375 Spring Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84117.

Tickets: $35 per person/$60 per couple!

You can RSVP and also pay online at irishinutah.org or email the Hib. at hibernians@irishinutah.org by Friday, October 21, 2016. You can also mail checks to: Hibernian Foundation of Utah, PO Box 9389, Salt Lake City, UT 84109.

If you still aren’t sure or have questions please feel free to call Jim Duignan at 801-664-6585.


Hope to see you there! Costumes are encouraged!